Dear Lori,
I felt so fortunate to run into Lori Williams that day at the coffee shop. I was going through a horrible time, contemplating divorce with my husband of 13 years. Not wanting to just go through the yellow pages, I had asked a few friends and co-workers if they knew any family law attorneys. This was difficult since I had to tell them why, and I really did not want everyone to know at that point that I was considering leaving my spouse. There were too many questions and I felt like the bad guy, wanting to leave him, especially since we have children who were 2 and 10 years old. I did meet with a couple of the attorneys my friends referred me to, but neither felt right.
Lori was easy to talk to right from the start and it was a great comfort knowing someone was there to help and had the contacts I needed to get through this difficult time. She assessed my situation and gave me referrals in which she found to “fit” me and my situation. She was heaven-sent, giving me the strength to move forward in what I know is the right thing to do for me and my kids. She gave me the contact information for a couple attorneys as well as counselors who could help me through this transition. I am happy with the attorney she recommended and feel confident that I have someone on my side that will work for my best interests.
As I said, I feel lucky to have run into Lori. I was working out of the office that day, on my laptop. Lori was meeting with someone at a nearby table, discussing what she did and how she helped people. I could not help but overhear the conversation, since her warmth and professionalism shined through. I walked up and handed her my card and asked her to call me. I am so glad I did.
Alice M.