4 Things to think about before applying for a Patent
Having an idea for a product or process that you can patent is only the beginning. Local patent attorney Steve Hansen shares why some patents never evolve into products you see in the market place, and how to create and maintain a sustainable patent.
What you need to know about stockbroker misconduct
Learn the basics about stockbroker misconduct from Detroit Attorney, Peter Rageas.
Potential Pitfalls for solo and small firm attorneys
There are many advantages to owning your own law practice, or being a small firm professional. However, there can also be pitfalls for the unwary solo or small firm practitioner. It is important to keep up with best practices, changes in the law, and follow the rules of professional responsibility to protect both yourself and your client.
Mold Litigation has moved from homes to condos
Attorney Jennifer Grieco explains the past and present law with respect mold litigation claims, and under what circumstances condo homeowners can recover damages.
Tips for Finding the Right Attorney
Most of us know when we need to consult with an attorney, but knowing who to contact can be a challenge. How do you find out what their area of specialty is? Or what kind of fees they charge? What do their clients say about them? While the internet has certainly made finding an attorney easier for the public, knowing which lawyer is right for you still remains a mystery for many consumers of legal services. Read on to discover how to find the right lawyer for your situation
Mistakes legal professionals should avoid
Do you want to start the New Year off on the right foot? Do a self inventory to make sure you and your staff are not making any of these mistakes
Everything in moderation
Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, a lot of holiday cheer is shared. While that’s a good thing, we’ve all seen someone who celebrated a little too much during the holidays. Did you know that excessive drinking, including binge drinking, accounts for 79,000 deaths per year in the United States? Read on to learn how to stay safe this holiday season, and the legal implications of alcohol related driving offenses.
So what is Collaborative Divorce, anyway?
Part 4 of my 4 part Family Law Series features Collaborative Law Attorney, Randall Pitler, who explains the process and clears up the common misconceptions about Collaborative Divorce.
The implications of divorce on mortgage financing
I interviewed David Keblaitis, Owner of Home Funding Group, about how divorce impacts a borrower’s mortgage financing. “Often the person keeping the home is mandated by the divorce decree to refinance the marital home in order to remove the other party from the current mortgage,” says Keblaitis. “This can be problematic when the home is under water and there isn’t sufficient equity to refinance the home.” However, there are solutions available and Keblaitis believes in finding the right mortgage product for each client’s needs.
The implications of divorce on college funding
I interviewed Certified College Planning Specialist, Jeff Taylor, about how divorce impacts college funding. Taylor has many single moms as clients, and knows this situation well. “Divorce can cause you to forfeit money you would otherwise be entitled to if you aren’t planning properly before, during, and after the divorce,” says Taylor. How assets will be or are distributed, income levels of the parents, and the amount of alimony and child support paid all play into the equation of whether and how much funding will be available for college. To help divorced parents obtain college funding for their children, Taylor offers these strategies: